Sunday, April 27, 2008

RANT of the day....

If you're going to make a point to walk into an indie coffeeshop... I think that's awesome. I don't care WHY you're here, if it was more convenient or because you think we're going to be cheaper than Starbucks. All I ask is this. Please...PLEASE remember that you are NOT actually AT Starbucks. I am NOT wearing a green apron and visor and I am NOT excessively chipper. So PLEASE don't get confused and order a drink like you would at the *other* place. If you say Venti, Grande or Tall to me I will look at you like you are an idiot and ask you again what size you would like. Small, medium and large is cool. I understand that. And don't laugh me off like *I* am the moron for not understanding your lingo.

So to the woman that came in this morning and was pissy because i wouldn't put the Splenda in her "double tall Skinny latte", it's not because I couldn't put the Splenda in, I didn't put it in because you pissed me off. And your order pissed me off. And the fact you laughed at me saying "oh I'm so used to Starbucks" like that was an excuse was even more infuriating. So you had to walk your happy ass the whole two feet to the sugar and creamer table to get it in your damn self. So there.

1 comment:

Coffees of Hawaii said...


send me an email at
